Your First Day
Ibogaine therapy has been proven to be an effective and life-changing experience for those suffering from drug addiction and mental illness. Patients experience an immediate relief from withdrawal symptoms.
And within 24-72 hours they will experience a life completely free of withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Ibogaine treatments also provide the opportunity for an individual to truly gain a unique perspective, and enriched understanding of their own life.
About 95% of patients treated for addiction maintain sobriety with a single treatment.
Our state of the art facility is the only fully staffed, medically licensed Ibogaine Center that treats drug and alcohol addiction as well as psychiatric disorders in Mexico.
Our all-inclusive treatment and stay at our facility typically lasts for one week (7 days).
Ibogaine treatment is individualized according to the level of opioid tolerance. In cases where a patient is heavily dependent upon narcotic analgesics such as Oxycontin, Methadone, or Heroin the treatment duration may make a slightly longer stay necessary. Our patients arrive in San Diego and are picked up and cared for as one of our own. When you arrive at our beachfront facility you will be warmly greeted by staff and shown to your individual private suite where you can unpack and unwind. In preparation for your stay, we will search your bags to make sure no potentially dangerous substances were brought with you and you will meet with the doctor to determine your medical needs and administer the proper medication specific to you, so we can keep you comfortable, stable, without withdrawal symptoms.
This is a voluntary treatment and your desire and intention to heal is a major factor in the effectiveness of Ibogaine. It will unchain you and show you the way to a new life. You will then have an evaluation with our psychologist to assess your mental and addictive states and undergo a medical screening if it was not done beforehand. The treatment coordinator will have pre-screened you over the phone before your arrival and have you fill out our application for treatment, which your treating physician will approve. However, once you arrive an EKG/ECG and blood work (basic metabolic panel to assess liver function) will be performed before any Ibogaine is administered.
- We accept adults suffering from single or poly-substance abuse and psychological disorders.
- We will not treat underage patients.
- All inquiries are completely confidential and will be answered with discretion.
- Your privacy is extremely important to our clinic.
Your Second Day
Now that you have settled in and are relaxed, if the following have not been done the day you arrived, your blood tests will be done and an EKG. All tests are done on site in the Facility for you comfort and serenity. Your medication will continue to alleviate any withdrawals or discomfort. Counseling on what to expect and to prepare for your Ibogaine Treatment will begin to fully prepare you and make it a totally comfortable and successful treatment and experience.
Relax & Enjoy
Use this day to relax, contemplate, meditate, do yoga, have a Jacuzzi, use the sauna, take walk on the beach to plan what you want from your psychological part of the your treatment. Our experienced nurses and counselors will help guide you in this process. There is so much you can receive psychologically from Ibogaine Treatment besides the cessation of addiction.
What to Expect Next
Tomorrow will normally be your treatment day. Today you will be fully prepared both mentally and physically. You will be looking forward to treatment to change your life and be free.
Your Third Day
Ibogaine Treatment
Treatment is a little different with this medication than with other drug addiction treatments. The total process takes about 7 days, though may take a little longer depending on certain circumstances. The first two days you have already spent relaxing and being medically evaluated. The reason for this is that the staff needs to test and evaluate your medical condition and will want to get an understanding of who you are so they can give you the best environment for the treatment.
Tonight you will start taking the Ibogaine as mild withdrawals start to set in. The dosage is uniquely determined for each patient by our experienced physicians and the influence of the Ibogaine usually lasts 24-36 hours with differing phases of intensity. During this time you will be confined to bed in your private room as walking is not easy during this time. There are medical caregivers and nurses as well as a doctor there at all times, though the focus of this time is to look back on your life with a different perspective to really understand how the addiction is affecting you. This is also used to get rid of resentment and pent up emotions that can trigger the addiction.
After the effects of the Ibogaine have subsided, patients can call their loved ones to get reassurance during this time. A diet counselor will create a diet that will help you get back on track. Staff will also keep in touch after you go home to help you have the best results.
Safety of Ibogaine
As long as it is administered in a responsible manner and proper medical screening is done beforehand, it is completely safe. It is a natural substance that has been used for centuries and it has been proven scientifically to have no neurotoxic effects on the human brain. It needs to be stressed that Ibogaine does have possible health risks if proper precautions are not taken and so that is why our board certified physicians who are also exceptionally knowledgeable about Ibogaine treatment are absolutely necessary. Full blood tests and Cardiogram, EKG, and any other tests deemed necessary will be performed before any treatment.
Why it Works
It is also helpful to know why Ibogaine works. This is because it deals with both the physical addiction to the drug as well as the emotional addiction to it. This drug allows patients to get to a psychological state where they are able to get rid of the baggage that is leading them to addiction so they can break free. This is why it has an 80%-90% success rate, as measured 6 months to 1 year after treatment.
What is it Like to Take Ibogaine?
It is like taking a dream-like journey into yourself. You will be able to look at different aspects of your life in a different way to be able to forgive yourself and let go of damaging emotions.
Your Fourth Day
It is tempting for those who have made it through an Ibogaine treatment program to conclude that their problems are over. Getting help for an addiction is a great achievement but it is not the end of the story. It would be fairer to say that the real work begins after the initial treatment period. This is why it is generally agreed that some type of aftercare is required, particularly during the first couple of months of recovery.
How does it feel Afterwards?
Most commonly afterwards the patient encounters physical tiredness, this is due to the fact that there bodies are being reawakened after so much numbness caused from substance abuse and as their senses are becoming enlivened they are noticing physical experiences as completely fresh and new.
The Meyer’s Cocktail
The “Myers cocktail” is a nutrient cocktail invented by John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland. It is administered intravenously and promoted as an alternative treatment for a broad range of conditions including asthma, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It consists of B vitamins, vitamin C and other nutrients. The Myers cocktail, along with IV fluids, is a very fast way to get critical nutrients and hydration into your body. There is no better way to replenish your vitamin stores than the intravenous route.
After your Ibogaine Treatment to relieve the grey days, Detox With Iboga uses the Meyers Cocktail to alleviate almost any after-effect symptoms. It is truly amazing!
The Myers Cocktail has also been used to treat a wide range of conditions, from general dehydration, to fibromyalgia, to multiple sclerosis.
This is also the same cocktail that Madonna, Brad Pitt, Simon Cowell, Katy Perry and Rihanna who are just a few of the celebrities among thousands of others worldwide who receive a Myers Cocktail weekly or even several times a week.
Your Fifth Day
It is tempting for those who have made it through an Ibogaine treatment program to conclude that their problems are over. Getting help for an addiction is a great achievement but it is not the end of the story. It would be fairer to say that the real work begins after the initial treatment period. This is why it is generally agreed that some type of aftercare is required, particularly during the first couple of months of recovery.
Patients frequently state that Ibogaine allowed them to clearly see the truth not only about themselves but also the situation where they have come from. This allows them to forgive themselves and others, thus allowing them to be freed from the past which has created painful subconscious beliefs and emotions which drove them to destructive behavior in an effort to quiet and soften those emotions.
Just as importantly, patients also report that the truth that is revealed to them by Ibogaine is also the truth about the beauty of their future, without addiction.
These truths and the forgiveness that accompanies them and this vision of the beautiful future that awaits them frees them from the need and desire to medicate painful emotions – because they no longer exist, and motivates them to stay addiction free; having seen a vision of the future which is theirs, free of the corruption and enslavement of addiction.
The Risk of Relapse
Up to 50% of those who make it through an Ibogaine treatment program will later relapse. Those who relapse may never get another opportunity to recover. This is a depressing fact, but the good news is that relapse is preventable. The highest risk of relapse is during the first 60 days following discharge from treatment. Aftercare increaes the success rate to over 95%.
Your Sixth Day
Effects of Ibogaine
The short term effects of Ibogaine that are normally given for treatment of addiction and for other afflictions, typically last from 36 to 48 hours. Experiences vary depending on the size of the individual, their resistance to the drug and other physical and psychological factors.
Psychoactive Effects
At times, Ibogaine causes or induces rapid-eye-movements indicating deep dream filled sleep.
Its psychoactive effects normally produce what patients describe as a waking or lucid dream-like state of consciousness. Some people describe dreams as vivid memories and reflections.
Almost all patients treated with Ibogaine report that these reflections are filled with truth that they can reflect upon their lives in a way that is characterized by truthfulness. They often report that they are able to see their past, the way they behaved, the way they were treated and the way they interpreted these events and allowed them to be affected by them in an objective way that allowed them to dispense universal forgiveness to others and themselves. They report that upon waking, they feel an overwhelming sense of relief from the mental burdens from the past that plagued them up unto their recent past.
They report that feelings of hatred, fear, guilt and shame were totally removed by the administration of Ibogaine.
They report that this freedom from their destructive memories and beliefs allowed them to envision a future filled with freedom from the constraints of the past and that this vision and the value of embracing it gave them the strength and commitment to feel and know that they would remain drug-free.
Visions are not reported by all patients administered Ibogaine however it appears that all patients, whether or not they experience visions, still experience long-lasting therapeutic effects on their ability to break clean from their addiction.
Physical Effects
Ibogaine’s physical effects vary to some degree for every person. Most report sensitivity to movement, light and sound, a lack of hunger and a decrease in muscle coordination. Many report feelings of vibrations and oscillations.
The following effects are reported occasionally: mild tremors (shaking), nausea, and vomiting, slight changes in blood pressure, slight back pain and sleeplessness.
The potential for undesired side effects can be eliminated by avoiding any contraindicated substances prior to and during therapy, proper medical screening for any pre-existing contraindicated conditions, careful monitoring of vital signs while under the effects of Ibogaine and adequate hydration prior to and during Ibogaine therapy.
Any side effects experienced subside (fade away/stop) 24-48 hours after the onset of therapy and can be greatly differentiated from painful withdrawal symptoms from chemical dependence, which should be greatly reduced or removed through the action of the Ibogaine.
Long Term Effects
Long term effects usually include freedom from drug cravings, reduced anxiety, depression and mania, stabilized and normal moods, and increased energy. No long term adverse effects have been reported.
The Risk of Relapse
Up to 50% of those who make it through an Ibogaine treatment program will later relapse. Those who relapse may never get another opportunity to recover. This is a depressing fact, but the good news is that relapse is preventable. The highest risk of relapse is during the first 60 days following discharge from treatment. Aftercare increaes the success rate to over 95%.
Your Seventh Day
Substance Addictions
Many factors play into whether or not any one specific individual will be effectively relieved of their addiction by Ibogaine treatment. These factors can include the type of substance the patient is addicted to, the amount of time the addiction has existed in that person, the frequency and amount of substance the patient historically has taken, post-treatment social factors such as emotional support, the number of times the patient has been in any kind of treatment center before, the level of suffering the patient has experienced from their addiction, and the dedication the patient has to remain drug-free after their treatment.
So, while it can easily be seen that assigning a probability for success to any one patient would be a difficult thing based upon the complexity of factors involved and the difficulty of evaluating them, it is our experience from treating almost 1,000 patients with Ibogaine and our many years of experience, that the majority of patients will be drug free six months post treatment and most lack of future drug free success can be attributed to environmental factors (spousal addiction, medical pain treatment needs, social factors, environmental surroundings.) Ibogaine is a chemical dependency reset of the brain, so it reduces the amount of medication needed to treat chronic pain after treatment.
Many patients who have been treated with Ibogaine report that it “resets their brain” to a point before their addiction develops.
The patients, desperate for relief from the obsession of these compulsive painful thoughts, often engage in a wide variety of behaviors to distract themselves or in an attempt to regain control over their lives.
These chemical imbalances and the destructive thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that accompany them often eventually results in complete mental disability.
Ibogaine, being a catalyst for psycho-spiritual change works at the very engine that empowers many mental illnesses and mood disorders, namely the ability of patients to healthfully interpret and process their past experiences, paving the way for envisioning a free and happy future.
Many patients report that Ibogaine not only brings them back to a state of mental clarity providing them with a vision of a wonderful opportunity-filled future, but as importantly, it leaves them there in that state of mental clarity; a place where they are not only freed from crippling emotions, but also restored chemically, freeing the patient from the abnormal mental states of depression, anxiety and mania.
Aftercare Defined
Aftercare refers to any subsequent interventions that follow the initial treatment. In the case of addiction treatment, it will often refer to the additional support that is given following release from the residential part of the program. This may occur in the form of support groups, booster sessions, counseling, or follow-up meetings. The aftercare can be in the form of debriefings, or it may involve teaching new skills and coping strategies.
The Risk of Relapse
Up to 50% of those who make it through an Ibogaine treatment program will later relapse. Those who relapse may never get another opportunity to recover. This is a depressing fact, but the good news is that relapse is preventable. The highest risk of relapse is during the first 60 days following discharge from treatment. Aftercare increaes the success rate to over 95%.